Do you want to represent your country?!
During your time here in Zaragoza we all test out our little prejudices, curious to see if there might be some truth in them: Will that Spanish girl be late for dinner? Can I drink this Russian dude under the table? Does that three-kisses-on-the-cheek thing also apply for two French guys, and how can I freak out a well-reserved Finn by teaching him that rule? While asking yourself these questions, you’re of course constantly trying to disprove your own country’s clichés.
ISA ZARAGOZA invites you to lay off that burden for a night and be the most typical representation of your home possible. So, Germans, get out those sandals and white tennis socks, Italians, don’t hold back on those gestures any more (as if you ever did!), and Asians, feel free to take as many pictures on your iPads as you like!
Also , we will play some drinking games from 23.00 to 00.30 and we will play the songs that you like !
Meet us: FRIDAY 23RD JARDÍN DEL TEMPLE (C. del Temple, 18, 50003 Zaragoza)
Drinking games for ISA members from 23.00 to 00.30
Apply in the following form to book your spot: